How about a quick picture post -- a week of lunches for TheBoy and theMe?
This first lunch has a few old things and a few new surprise successes. The biggest surprise success is the fantastic, smushy looking rice/dill/cream cheese/tomato mixture. Originally posted at Coffee and Vanilla, I had to make a few accommodations. First, I couldn't find any orzo, anywhere.. Los Angeles.. you totally let me down. (Later, I did find some at an out-of-the-way grocery). Check out the full recipe at the bottom of this post.
I picked up a large loaf of French bread
The rest of this lunch is a combination of a micro-plum, grapes, and cherry tomato gap fillers, a taco meat and veggie filled soft taco and the same mystery containers as the previous lunch -- dried fruit in the white lid, nuts in the clear lid. Another success and TheBoy can't wait for another round of French bread.
Another dinner utilizing the French bread didn't opt for pizza-izing the loaf, but just kept it as a delicious, garlicky testament to carbohydrates. I piled some mozzarella cheese on top before broiling the bread to make it extra scrumptious. This meal contains all leftovers: the aforementioned mozzarella-smothered garlic bread, red wine sauteed muchrooms, cherry tomatoes, angelhair pasta, and some chopped fresh nectarines. Not a very cute lunch, but definitely a repeatable one due to the ease of eating (TheBoy is a runner for a TV show.. he doesn't have a lot of time to himself during the work day) and the ease of assembly. Using all leftovers and fruit/veggie fillers, this lunch took about 5 minutes to make. A success on all fronts.
As I'm sure you can tell, I love to use leftovers in our lunches. Not only are they convenient, but they're a good way to make sure that we don't waste any food... something that could become a problem in our two-person, food-adventure household. This lunch is a perfect example: I made guacamole, but even using just two avocados, I quickly overwhelmed our ability to devour the delicious green smush. So, into TheBoy's box it goes! He loves guac, so he didn't need any chips to stick in it, but I snuck a chip-filled pretty pink "sidecar" into his workbag. He ended up appreciating it. The rest of this lunch is just what it looks like: two colors of grapes, cherry tomatoes, and two slices of leftover pizza. We lucked out by being able to pick up a couple of Red Baron pizzas on sale. At $4 a piece, these bake-at-home pizzas are a steal and we can customize them (with olives, for instance), without breaking the bank at the pizza place. Also, California has LOUSY pizza. How I long for a Philadelphia suburb! If you want the guac recipe, just refer to the bottom of the post.
The last lunch for this post (haven't you had enough already?) was a fun one. We didn't really have any leftovers, but we did still have a loaf of bread and some candy. So, I made two sandwiches (one turkey, cheese, lettuce, and mustard; the other PB+J) and used my itty-bitty cookie cutters to cut them down to size. I tried for an autumn them to the sandwiches and I may or may not have failed miserably. TheBoy's coworkers could not decipher the shapes, but they did think this was an adorable and fun looking lunch. The fun, obviously, comes from the grapes, chopped carrots, and silicone baking cup full of tropical skittles (TheBoy brought home a half-eaten bag... I had to get rid of them so I didn't eat them all!) and peach rings. Mystery container holds honey-roasted peanuts and cinnamon sugar almonds. mmmm! Very quick lunch to assemble, even though the bread gave me some trouble by being a trifle stale. So ends our affair with bread! (We haven't had any in the house in almost three weeks... we don't miss it).
Creamy Dill and Tomato Rice
- 2 cups cooked rice
- 5 Tbsp. cream cheese
- 3 Tbsp. (or so) finely chopped fresh dill
- 4 Roma tomatoes, chopped
- salt and pepper to taste
2. Mix all the ingredients together.
3. Serve! This recipe tastes best warm, but is also works out just fine as a cool salad with lunch.
French Bread Pizza
- wide loaf of French bread
- protein to cover (seasoned taco meat, sauteed mushrooms, shredded pork/chicken.. you choose)
- appropriate cheese (mozzarella for Italian-style, cheddar/monterey jack for Mexican-style)
- appropriate sauce (tomato or pesto for Italian, salsa for Mexican)
2. Smear flat side with garlic and butter (optional).
3. Mix cooked protein and sauce/salsa
4. Cover with cheese
5. Broil until cheese melts (use your discretion and eyes!).
6. Serve to hungry people. mmmm
- 3 avocados
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 1 cup of sharp cheddar, grated
- 1/2 c salsa
- 1 c chopped tomatoes
- 1/2 cup chopped onion
- 1/2 c sour cream
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- salt and pepper to taste
2. Gently fold the lemon juice into the smushed avocado.
3. Mix everything together!
You can play with the amounts if you have a preference for more or less of an ingredient. It will always taste great because there are endless ways to make it.
Thanks future mother-in-law... great recipe!
I love your lunchboxes :)
I'm glad you tried my cream cheese orzo... it can be easily replaced with any other pasta, recently I made something similar with farfalle pasta.
I am completely unable to actually finish a loaf of bread before it goes moldy, let alone stale. So I store it in the freezer. A sandwich made in the moring has defrosted by lunch time, and it helps keep the cheese and lunch meats from getting warm and gross.
Of course, then is is very hard to cut them in cute little shapes, so... yeah. I want grapes now. And tomatoes with yummy cheese. And fresh basil.
@Margot: Thank you for the compliment! Your blog is an inspiration and ...aspiration for me. I look forward to cooking with as much nuance as you do.
And this post did not do your cream cheese orzo justice... I just didn't want to gush. It's AMAZING. Thanks for posting!
@confiance: we keep the bread in the fridge, when we have it, so it doesn't go moldy.. but I guess the fridge doesn't really help with staleness. But, yeah.. it's very hard to cookie cutter frozen things. ^_^ Good suggestion, though, on keeping deli items cool with the frozen bread.
I apologize for fueling your cravings, but I know you never go to the grocery store so.. maybe I'm actually helping you. Get some food! <3
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